PINK!!!!!!!! :)
It was a lazy Saturday afternoon… I was still groveling on my bed wondering if it was late enough to wake up… I heard someone say…
“Damn its woken up”…
I lazily turned around to see my sister - that stupid thing - yelling something at me…. What was she doing in my room??? How dare she yell at me in my room… I felt like a taunted lion n all… (don’t ask me where that feeling comes from… lol!!!) I could now hear not just her ... My mom was also yelling…
“Don’t u have classes now??? Its one already and look at you… “
I slowly got to my feet but I was still wondering what that wicked lil thing was doing in my room. I just needed a reason to land my fist on her face… I figured she was rummaging through my wardrobe….
“What the hell do you think you are doing?”
“Im looking for my Pink top”
I was getting a little unnerved…
“Pink top???? What the frig are u looking for a pink top in my cupboard for?”
“You stole my Levis remember… and my Pepe Shirt… that nice one… “
“Oye… I didn’t steal ‘em… I had asked mommy… “
“My foot u asked mommy… “
“ Well that still dosent explain why ur looking in my cupboard for pink tops???”
“You never know…”
I could feel myself slowly but surely losing it… I had gotten my clothes ironed n arranged neatly … and now I could see them all strewn all over the place…
“Oye you better clear up the mess…”
“You better return my pink top”
I tried to reason….
“What will I do with Your goddam pink top???? “
“Wear it…” and then one stupid characteristic grin…
hehe!!!! That was it!!!
My room was the battlefield for the modern battle of Panipat… one man striving to save his room and the opponent trying to salvage a pink top or whatever… grrrr!!!!
It started with loud squeals… then screams… I was knocked a couple of times on my face… I wasn’t sleepy anymore… a couple of scratches … I was burning within… surprisingly none of my punches seemed to be having any effect on her… It mustve been her favourite pinkie… lol!!!
It went on until the referee , my mom intervened… she wielded a broom and had an angry look… I knew that if I hadn’t stopped then… I would be the first to be attached … Somehow all elder brothers end up on the wrong side…
Peace ensued in no time… both of us tails down… I had to clear up my room … while my sister had to leave without her pink top lol!!!!
Some battle this was… My sister seemed to be feeling the pain now… she was rubbing her cheeks while I felt a strange satisfaction… Needless to say the scratches from her talons were hurting like crazy but I tried to be the brave man…
Some beginning to the day!!!!! God I love my punching bag!!!