Sunday, January 07, 2007


I feel violated!!! Oh Hell!! I do!!
The WAC assignment was due for submission on the 14th at 10 am. Its one of those bloosy subjects where the prof refuses to acknowledge that a printout is neater than a handwritten doc.
"Ink and paper", he says, " Its difficult to copy from a handwritten doc."
Well.. the case was not too difficult... Frankly, it seemed rather straight... I saw everyone around me making notes and I wondered why people were spending so much time on a case so simple...
WAC can wait..

The night before submission, I began to read the case again... this time a lil more attentively... I realised that it wasnt half as easy as i thought i was... 3 hours into making notes and i was back where i started... no leads...
More coffee... more abuses... more notes...
No effect...
I was beginning to get a lil irritated... i was feelin like a complete idiot...

I ran to my neighbours room. People had already completed thier assignments. I asked them for ideas. The pointers seemed absolutely fascinating... but as soon as i got back to my room, i realised that they were very generic and did not pertain to the case...

More thinking... no ideas... damn my grey cells..
I made a rough draft and decided it was not worthwhile wasting my sleep over the silly assignment. At half past five while jogging along for the mandatory jog, i went over the case in my mind... nothing different seemed to strike me...
By now, almost everyone had completed thier assignments and i was beginning to get a little worried.

I hurried back, picked the draft and started preparing the fair copy, promptly incorporating anything that seemed remotely logical... In an hours time i was done with the write up. The solutio seemed logical and the more i read the write up, the more perfect it seemed.
I was proud of my abilities... i was beginning to feel like an analyst.. wow!!!!
I would soon be THE man every consultancy would want...

A week passed by peacefully... then the prof walks into class with a bundle of papers..
"a couple of good ones... the rest belongs to the bin"
I was confident that mine was one of the 'couple" he mentioned..
"Highest in class... 26/40... average score ... around 18-20/40."

I checked my paper... 12/40
I turned it around to see if it could be 26 written any other way...
I read through the case again... I was struck with disbelief... How would a piece of genius fetch just 12 marks????
I checked the comments
"The solutions are structured well... but your problem definition is wrong. You have identified and solved the wrong problem.... "
What the hell... i atleast SOLVED a problem...

Violated!!! hammered!!! ego squashed to pulp!!!
RAPED... yet life goes on!!!!


Anonymous said...

you need spell check. "bloosy"?? "thier"??

my eyes are watering just reading this post. Gawd.

- Ubiquitous - said...

Ass-assinated would be more like it. ;)